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Aeschynomene, joint vetch or deer vetch (Aeschynomene Americana)
Aeschynomene is a warm season annual legume. It is a palatable and nutritious deer forage. Aeschynomene is very productive from spring until first frost. It is widely adapted across the Southern US but particularly suited to wet, low-lying, sandy soils. It is most productive when grown on fertile moist soils. It is more tolerant of extremely wet conditions than of drought. Established plants can withstand short periods of flooding. It can tolerate pH as low as 5.5 but will do best with soil pH is between 6.0 and 6.5. Plant April to June when adequate soil moisture will be present. Because Aeschynomene is a legume, the seed should be inoculated with Rhizobium bacteria (EL Type Inoculant) before it is planted. Broadcast dehulled seed at a rate of 8 lbs. per acre. In the absence of a soil test, fertilize with 100 lbs. per acre of 0-30-30 fertilizer at establishment.
Aeschynomene can be established by overseeding cool season food plots or grasslands (e.g., pasture or right of ways). Control competition via grazing, mowing and or herbicide prior to planting. Broadcast seed and lightly disk the area to incorporate the seed into the soil. Aeschynomene is tolerant of both trifluralin and 2,4-D herbicides.
Good seedbed preparation will help ensure good establishment. Disk and then smooth the seed bed by rolling with a cultipacker or dragging with a drag harrow. Do not disk seed in. Lightly drag the seed in with a drag harrow to cover the seed. Cover seed 1/2–3/4 inch deep.
Aeschynomene is often planted in combination with cowpeas. When planting in combination with cowpeas decrease the seeding rate by ½. Do not mix the Aeschynomene and the larger cowpeas seed together when broadcasting the seed. The smaller Aeschynomene seed will settle to the bottom of the seeder and will not be evenly distributed. Broadcast separately and then cover seed. Cover the mixture to a depth of 1/2–3/4 inch deep by lightly dragging with a drag harrow.