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Join the National Deer Alliance Today!
Friday, Jul 25, 2014 3:35pm
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What is the National Deer Alliance (NDA)? The NDA is a new organization dedicated to uniting deer hunters, managers and enthusiasts like never before and harnessing this power to achieve positive outcomes for deer and deer hunting.  NDA’s goal is to serve as the unified voice of the modern deer hunter and guardian of North America’s wild deer, wildlife habitat and our hunting heritage.  NDA fuels the passion for deer hunting and conservation through engagement, fellowship, and education.

NDA's mission is clear:  Unite deer hunters like never before and harness this power to achieve positive outcomes for deer and deer hunting.  In many respects, whitetail hunters and managers have become complacent following decades of herd growth and good times. Perhaps this explains why deer hunters are the most fragmented of all hunter groups. Regardless more challenges face deer hunting and management today than at any time in recent history. We can either do nothing and hope for the best or take action and chart our own future.

Why is NDA needed? We know that deer are the most commonly pursued game animal in North America; four times more hunters chase deer than the next popular species. However, out of the nearly 11 million estimated deer hunters, less than 1 percent belong to a conservation organization dedicated toward the protection of our deer hunting heritage (refer to the chart below and to the left). Not so for other game species. We also know that deer drive the financial side of wildlife management in the United States, generating nearly half of the entire $87 billion hunting industry (lower chart, right). In fact, agency budgets and federally-apportioned funding are critically dependent on deer hunters.

However, no group currently speaks on behalf of this literal army of deer hunters, and new threats emerge annually that threaten our ability to pursue and value deer. A time has come for deer hunters to organize themselves and speak up for their rights. Join us today and tell every deer hunter you know to do the same.


Posted by Morgan Richardson