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The Southeast is facing an invasion from an exotic pest that could be far worse than fire ants or kudzu. Cogongrass is considered to be one of the worst weeds in the world.
Currently, cogongrass infestations cover over 1 million acres in the Southeast. Infestations are most widespread in Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and Georgia but also occur in Louisiana, South Carolina, and Texas. Left unchecked, this aggressive weed forms dense stands over large areas and eliminates native plants. Cogongrass is of no value to livestock or wildlife and constitutes a significant wildfire hazard.
In order to stop this weed from becoming a complete menace, we need your help. If you see this weed growing on your lease please report the location to Campbell Global. Cogongrass can be controlled with herbicides. We need your help in locating patches so we can treat them and avoid additional loss of wildlife habitat. How to Identify Cogongrass
We also need your help in limiting the spread of this damaging weed. Please do not mow, disk, or drive through cogongrass patches. Seed picked up by equipment, trucks, and ATVs is easily spread to other locations.